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  • 33 kWh (2017 - 2018)
  • 42,2 kWh
BMW / i3 / 33 kWh (2017 - 2018)
Connector type: CCS
Max charge speed: 50 kW

The charge curve shows the charging behaviour of this car when the battery is in optimal conditions (around. 30 °C). A colder (or warmer) battery can result is a significantly lower charge speed.
BMW / i3 / 42,2 kWh
Connector type: CCS
Max charge speed: 50 kW

The charge curve shows the charging behaviour of this car when the battery is in optimal conditions (around. 30 °C). A colder (or warmer) battery can result is a significantly lower charge speed.
Unlock the connector

Unlock the car with the car key. Wait until the car releases the connector. This may take a few minutes.